Firefox Focus serves as an alternative web browser to Google Chrome.

Firefox Focus is a good option for a web browser application. Like most people, I use the Google Chrome app on my phone and iPad to browse the internet. It is the most used browser in the world, but sometimes I think, “Is there another browser that I might prefer.”

Firefox is a good option for a web browser application. PC users may love the Edge browser and many iPhone users love Safari. I discovered a different browser choice that’s great for times when I need to focus on a project or research.

This is Firefox Focus for iPhones, iPads, and Android devices. The main purpose is to provide you with a cleaner experience while using the internet and to keep your online activities private from search engines and advertisers.

Instead of having multiple tabs open on Chrome or any other browser, Firefox Focus only has a single tab. I’ve discovered that it stops me from easily opening a tab with LinkedIn, or that ESPN tab that always stays at the top of my browser. I can check baseball scores.

If I want to focus on doing just one thing, Firefox Focus helps me stay focused. My internet browser works faster because I can only have one webpage open at a time.

Another good reason to use Firefox Focus is because it has features that keep your personal information private. Advertisers do not see or keep a record of any of my online activities. Everything I do on the internet is safe and secure. This also makes the browser faster because it doesn’t always send information to other companies. When I’m finished with a project or I’m just ready to log off, there’s a trashcan icon that, if I tap it, deletes my entire web history. I don’t have to go into settings and find the option like I would on Chrome or another browser. The clear history button sits right on the screen.

Since it blocks ads on websites, web pages load beautifully. This is particularly noticed when using the app on an iPad or tablet. Since there are no ads, when I loaded “Rolling Stone”, all I saw were images of articles that are available to read.

You can still use Google, Safari, or DuckDuckGo as your search engine and you can select which one you want as the default.

Firefox Focus is a free web browsing app. If you’re browsing on a computer though you’ll need to use the Firefox browser as there’s no Firefox Focus for PC.


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